Public Art Collection


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L E T ' S   E X P L O R Etest

Want to explore our collection of artworks throughout the city? Scroll through our interactive map below.

If you would like to view a piece, please click on their location icon and a photo will appear when available. While we are excited to roll out this new feature for Arts & Culture, we are still expanding upon this and not all pieces are currently available for viewing through the map feature and not all location markers have photos at this time.


A N   A D V O C A T E   F O R   A R T

The Salem Public Art Commission was established in 2014 after the completion of the City of Salem Public Art Master Plan in 2013. The goal of the Salem Public Art Commission, which funds and selects the Salem Public Art Collection, is to nurture diversity & creativity; foster a sense of community pride & belonging; and enhance the quality of life for all.

With a focus on working with local artists, especially those historically underrepresented, we seek to foster greater community awareness of & interaction with the arts and celebrate diversity in all its forms.

The commission serves as an advocate for public art in Salem.


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